Pronunciation key ( ik-spōz′ ) |
v.t.. [EXPOSED (-spōzd′), EXPOSING, EXPOSES]
[ME. exposen < OFr. exposer; prob. < L. expositus pp. of exponere see EXPOUND but associated in OFr. with poser < L. pausare; see POSE].
- To remove shelter or protection; lay open (for danger, ridicule, attack) to lay open or leave vulnerable and unprotected. To abandon, to put out into the elements, without food or shelter.
- To make accessible or subject to an influence or action.
- To lay something out in an unprotected place; abandon; such as Some schools unwantingly expose children to crime.
- To make visible; disclose; reveal; exhibit; display.
- To unveil fraud or make a crime known.
- To make one's illegal activities known.
- Photography. To subject sensitized film or plates to the action of light or actinic rays.
Syn. Show.
—ex•pos′er n.
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